Our Three-Phased Approach To Catalyzing Jesus’ Culture
Learn Jesus’ Ways
Develop your proficiency in understanding and capacity to articulate Jesus’ ways and culture.
Affirm His Values As Norms
Discover process strategies to establish Jesus’ values as clear norms in your community, whatever the size.
Keep Aligning Your Culture To Him
Design an ongoing, multi-faceted strategy to align your community to Jesus’ values of selfless love and equipping-based empowerment.
We are building a learning community among people who are committed to catalyzing Jesus-aligned cultures
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What Makes this Community so Different?
Our conviction is that all, authentic Jesus communities are founded upon what He said and His loving and empowering culture. It’s not about our preferences.
Our language is grounded upon Jesus and His Word. We also value Christian traditions and organizational learning, but they’re secondary resources.This isn’t the latest business jargon or strategy; this starts and ends with the original source. Jesus.
Our strategies integrate biblical ideals with the wisdom that comes from implementing them. We are neither theorists nor merely practitioners; we are both. Everything we unpack at HOJ is hard fought wisdom that’s been tested over time, in Jesus communities and in marketplace ministry.
Our expectation is that the enemy will proactively and relentlessly undermine whatever community prioritizes Jesus’ thoughts and ways. We are not naïve; he has sought to destroy Jesus’ House for 2,000 years. The cultural tide is against us, but Jesus is with and for us.