It was obvious to me, but not so much to Micah.

Micah Scharchburg has been a good friend since we met ten-plus years ago. At the time, I was 55 and 30 years his senior. With that additional biblical knowledge and ministry experience, I was immediately able to see his equipping potential in ways that he couldn’t yet.

It was obvious to me: Micah’s spiritual gifts (and character) would eventually qualify him to be an expert Kingdom builder!

Here is my point: God’s spiritual gifts at work through us are best discerned and called out by others, not ourselves.  

Over the centuries, the Church has affirmed a number of spiritual gifts which I have sought to detail within a glossary. And though the “priesthood of all believers” is a longstanding tenet of Christianity, very few churches consistently teach or use spiritual gifts as the basis for placing servants in ministry. What a tragic and impactful mistake!

My consistent recommendation: The best spiritual gifts inventory is when church leaders proactively spot and call them out within their community!   

Today, Micah is an exceptional Kingdom “builder” in Ft Worth and recently utilized my preferred “flash card” inventory process (see his spiritual gifts cards here) with some of his leaders.

My simple, forced-choice process: Invite a handful of disciples who have served with you in ministry to help you learn more about your spiritual gifts. Once gathered, share with them the spiritual gift flash cards and the benefits of understanding their perceptions. When ready, ask them to work together as a team to gradually remove all cards except what they consider to be your top three spiritual gifts based on their experience. And while they are completing the assignment, don’t say a word! Listen to their comments and storytelling patiently. Afterwards, you can ask whatever clarifying questions you have.

“Micah, how did this process go with your audience?”

“Charlie, it went great!

Everybody loves to hear from somebody that knows them; that sees them; that appreciates their contribution to the team.

We all crave to know that God has uniquely made us for a purpose and that we have a place in Kingdom ministry. And this team-based process cuts right through the comparison and competition that so often influences our self-perceptions.

Their faces just lit up as they discovered how others perceive their supernatural giftings!”      

Today’s Two-Part Challenge

First, ask for the insights and perspective of others when it comes to your own gift mix. Enjoy the affirmations!

Second, make a difference in the lives of others. Study spiritual gifts and these definitions so you can affirm the Kingdom gifts you see in your community’s brothers and sisters.

Grace to all …. the journey continues,

Also check out Bruce Bugbee’s What You Do Best in the Body of Christ

Categories: Equipping

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