Charlie Halley has spent most of his adult life trying to wrap his mind and leadership habits around Jesus’ culture of love and equipping.

The Kingdom culture insights he teaches and writes about aren’t just theory. They’ve been honed through a decades long journey of discovery, confession, breakthrough and influence.

Charlie Halley

He has tasted the joy that comes when a group of people invites Jesus to transform their culture and structures, but he’s also felt the pain of brokenness when these biblical strategies were ignored.

Rooted in God’s Word, the values and methods Charlie discusses have been validated within the Jesus houses he has served either on staff or as a consultant and coach. He’s also written an earlier book on these themes: The Heart of the Matter: Changing the World’s God’s Way and holds graduate degrees in theology and business.

Outside the Kingdom, he spent a season catalyzing culture in the marketplace. As president/general manager of a multi-million-dollar retail business, he revitalized a failing 60-year-old enterprise and established a value-based culture aligned to its new ownership.

Most importantly, Charlie has been married to his wife Mary Lou for 47 years, and they’ve raised three great sons in Charles, John, and Thomas.

Jesus House leader (27 years)

  • Led multiple congregations through the process of affirming their Kingdom beliefs and culture in tandem with discerning a time-sensitive vision of ministry.
  • Served multiple congregations as Head of Staff and catalyzed an equipping-based developmental process within each.

Professional coach and consultant (25 years)

  • Coached multiple congregations in discerning and codifying their core ideology (DNA) — values, beliefs, philosophy, mission and vision….and then aligning themselves to it;
  • Provided diagnostic insights and related recommendations to numerous Jesus communities to help them move beyond symptoms in order to address systemic issues.

Business leader (4 years)

  • Led the turnaround of a 70-year old retail company with 55 employees and three million in sales (1987). Improved the bottom line by 17% over four years while avoiding bankruptcy proceedings.

Graduate student (6 years)

  • Masters of Divinity (1981 – Fuller Theological Seminary – Pasadena)
  • M.B.A. (1987 – University of Michigan – Flint)


After being in vocational ministry for over 23 years, I have read a lot of books authored by so-called experts that want to draw a map and tell me how to follow Jesus. And then there are people like Charles Halley that invite me to join him as he follows Jesus. Charles Halley understands deep spiritual principles and shares how to make them applicable to the rest of us that are passionate about becoming real disciples of Jesus.
Bob Wynn (Campus Pastor, Covenant Church)

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Charlie Halley brings objective, practical wisdom to church communities. His life is a testimony to consistency and depth, and he brings the same thorough and structured insights to church congregations enabling implementation of biblical, honoring, sustainable culture, systems, and values. I have repeatedly witnessed and benefited from Charlie’s ability to give applicable and actionable input facilitating the local church’s mission to advance the Kingdom of God.​
Michael Ellis (Congregational Elder/Business Leader)

Consulting with Charlie Halley is like coming out of a dense, grey fog when you’ve been driving on the highway and all of a sudden being able to see clearly, in color, and far ahead. I cannot count the number of times that my conversations with Charlie, both personal and professional, have resulted in a clarity that enabled me to take the next best step forward with confidence.​​
Neil Hubacker (Dir of Strategic Alliances, Cornerstone)

Charlie practices what he preaches. He consistently looks for young Jesus-followers that need someone to believe in them and he develops them. He has the ability to quickly diagnose problems with organizations and call them back to plumb. He is an effective helper for any Jesus-house that wants to equip the Saints for the work of the ministry.
Chris McBride (Task Force Director, 24:13 Coalition)